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Pediatric Eye Care Service

Children Love Us!

As parents and doctors, we believe strongly that the best eye exam for kids is one that is fun! When you bring your child to Integrated Vision Care Associates, you will know that everything is based on the perspective of the child. We have special ways to make the exam fun – not scary and traumatic. And we have a large selection of eyeglasses for infants through teens.


Of course, besides being fun, children’s eye exams have to be thorough and professional. Every patient at Integrated Vision, no matter how young, is given a complete visual evaluation, which includes assessing the health of their eyes, the clarity of their vision, and their eye coordination. We offer the most up-to-date options in eyeglass lenses and pediatric eye care treatment – including vision therapy, treatment options for amblyopia (a.k.a. “lazy eye”) and Ortho-k for kids.


Eye Exams in Infants: Birth – 24 Months


A baby’s visual system develops gradually over the first few months of life. They have to learn to focus and move their eyes, and use them together as a team. The brain also needs to learn how to process the visual information from the eyes to understand and interact with the world. The foundation for motor development such as crawling, walking and hand-eye coordination also comes with the development of eyesight.


You can ensure that your baby is reaching milestones by keeping an eye on what is happening with your infant’s development and by ensuring that you schedule a comprehensive infant eye exam at 6 months. At this exam, the eye doctor will check that the child is seeing properly and developing on track, and look for conditions that could impair eye health or vision such as strabismus (misalignment or crossing of the eyes), farsightedness, nearsightedness, or astigmatism.


Since there is a higher risk of eye and vision problems if your infant was born premature or is showing signs of developmental delay, our eye doctor at Integrated Vision Associates may require more frequent visits to keep watch on his or her progress.


































Eye Exams in Preschool Children: 2-5


The toddler and preschool age is a period when children experience drastic growth in intellectual and motor skills. During this time they will develop the fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and perceptual abilities that will prepare them to read and write, play sports and participate in creative activities such as drawing, sculpting or building. This is all dependent upon good vision and visual processes.


This is the age when parents should be on the lookout for signs of lazy eye (amblyopia) – when one eye doesn’t see clearly, or crossed eyes (strabismus) – when one or both eyes turns inward or outward. The earlier these conditions are treated, the higher the success rate.


Parents should also be aware of any developmental delays having to do with object, number or letter recognition, color recognition or coordination, as the root of such problems can often be visual. If you notice your child squinting, rubbing his or her eyes frequently, sitting very close to the tv or reading material, or generally avoiding activities such as puzzles or coloring, it is worth a trip to the eye doctor.































Eye Exams in School-Aged Children: Ages 6-18


Undetected or uncorrected vision problems can cause children and teens to suffer academically, socially, athletically and personally. If your child is having trouble in school or after school activities there could be an underlying vision problem. Proper learning, motor development, reading, and many other skills are dependent upon not only good vision, but also the ability of your eyes to work together. Children that have problems with focusing, reading, teaming their eyes or hand-eye coordination will often experience frustration, and may exhibit behavioral problems as well. Often they don’t know that the vision they are experiencing is abnormal, so they aren’t able to express that they need help.


In addition to the symptoms written above, signs

of vision problems in older children include:

  • Short attention span

  • Headaches

  • Frequent blinking

  • Avoiding reading

  • Tilting the head to one side

  • Losing their place often while reading

  • Double vision

  • Poor reading comprehension


If the eye doctor does determine that your child has a vision

problem, they may discuss a number of therapeutic options

such as eyeglasses or contact lenses, an eye patch, vision

therapy or Ortho-k, depending on the condition and the

doctor’s specialty. Since some conditions are much easier

to treat when they are caught early while the eyes are still

developing, it is important to diagnose any eye and vision

issues as early as possible.


Following the guidelines for children’s eye exams and staying alert to any signs of vision problems can help your child to reach his or her potential.


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